Thursday, February 21, 2013

To fail

You try and you try again and again, the only result you can get is failure. You can't get a job, a boyfriend, your parents think you're lazy and useless and you can't even eat chocolate. "I have a good family, my friends are nice" you think. But it's not enough to control your tears. You go to your room, hold your guitar and cry alone, hoping no one will listen and show up in your room to ask you what's wrong (probably because they won't understand what is like to be unsuccessful).
But then you get a text, it's your best friend saying "whats up dumbass", and that can make you smile, at least for a second. Then your dog scratches the door, and as you let it in, it licks your tears and look at you with that cute little face that says "Why are you crying when you have me?". All of a sudden you can't remember why you're crying, wash that pretty face of yours (as you realize when you look in the bathroom mirror) and answer the text: "everything's just fine, how bout you?"


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